pySISF Documentation
Module contents
- pySISF.sisf.create_shard(fname_data: str, fname_meta: str, data, chunk_size, compression, compression_opts=None, thread_count=8, chunk_batch=1024, crop=None, progress=True) None [source]
Function to create a SISF shard.
- Parameters:
fname_data (str) – Name of the data file to create.
fname_meta (str) – Name of the metadata file to create.
data (3D numpy array-like) – Raw data for the chunk.
chunk_size (3-tuple of int) – Size of each chunk
compression (int) – compression codec to use
thread_count (int, default 8) – number of threads to use for data packing
chunk_batch (int, default 1024) – number of jobs to allocate per thread for load balancing
crop (3-tuple of int, default None) – if set, encodes a crop factor into the shard
progress (bool, default True) – prints a loading bar using tqdm
- pySISF.sisf.create_sisf(fname: str, data, mchunk_size, chunk_size, res, enable_status=True, downsampling=None, compression=1, thread_count=8, compression_opts=None) None [source]
Function to create a SISF archive.
- Parameters:
fname (string) – Name of the folder to place the SISF archive into, created if does not exist.
data (numpy array-like) – Represents the data to be converted in CXYZ format.
mchunk_size (3-tuple) – size of metachunks to create, e.g. (2000,2000,2000).
res (3-tuple) – resolution of the dataset in nanometers (nm), e.g. (100,100,100).
enable_status (bool, default True) – If true, print out a loading bar for creation using tqdm.
downsampling (int, default None) – How many downsample tiers to generate.
compression (int, default 1->ZSTD) – What compression codec to use.
thread_count (int, default 8) – How many threads to use for data packing.
Module contents
- pySISF.sndif_utils.downsample(in_array, out_array)[source]
Utility function to downsample a 3D image by a factor of 2X in all dimensions.
- Parameters:
in_array (numpy) – 3D array containing the input image
out_array (numpy) – identical-sized 3D array to write the output to
- Returns:
Numpy array containing the downsampled image
- pySISF.sndif_utils.load_from_zip(file_name, stack_size=2000, stack_select=None, thread_count=1)[source]
Load image frames from a SNDIF ZIP archive.
- Parameters:
file_name (str) – Name of the input ZIP file.
stack_size (int) – Number of frames expected.
stack_select (slice) – A parameter passed to the file list to select inputs.
thread_count (int) – Number of threads to launch on the ThreadPoolExecutor.
- Returns:
Numpy array containing the loaded frames
Module contents
- class pySISF.vidlib.EncoderType(value)
An enumeration.
- AV1_AOM = 3
- AV1_SVT = 4
- X264 = 1
- X265 = 2